Friday, October 9, 2020

Trail Horse riding at Dead Horse Ranch

Dead Horse Ranch State Park, AZ

It’s been 50 years since I’ve been on a horse.  I’ve been terrified of horses ever since I took a horseback riding class in high school. (It didn’t go well, but that’s another story).  So, today I decided to put on my big girl pants and go for a ride. 

We had so much fun!!  My favorite part was crossing the Verde river. The second trip across it was a bit deeper. 

Dead Horse Ranch State Park has a riding stable so it was so easy to just get on our bikes and ride on over to the stable.  My horse’s name was Kat and she was a sweetheart.  I told the trail guide that I was terrified so she put me at the front of the ride. I immediately felt comfortable on this horse. We got a mini lesson on how to steer, and how to sit when we trotted up hill and downhill.  Kat was incredibly responsive and I just settled in and enjoyed the ride.

Ned loves horses and you could tell right away how comfortable he was in the saddle.  (Okay, full disclosure - both of our hips were killing us at the end of the ride. It felt like we did a deep yoga hip opener stretch for an hour or so). 

Ned rode behind me for the trail ride.  His horse, Ghost, would occasionally nip my horse in the butt.  Kinda got Kat moving along a bit more than I was expecting.  I think Ned rather enjoyed prodding me along for a change rather than the other way around!  Fair game, Mr. Ned, fair game. 

Right before I got on the horse, pretending like I knew what I was doing. I was so terrified!!!  Who knew it would be such a fun adventure. 

The scenery on this ride was incredible, turtles sunning on rocks, a black hawk hanging near its nest, wide open vistas and beautiful mountain ranges.  So glad we were finally able to enjoy the many trails this park has to offer. 

After a morning 6 mile bike ride and an afternoon horseback ride, Ned settling in for a late afternoon nap.  Perfect vacation day. 

1 comment:

Frank said...

And you weren't riding side saddle. Bravo. Your mom would have been amazed.

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