Home Sweet Home
We called this trip the Eastern Seaboard and it really was a treat to drive up a large portion of the East Coast from the Southern tip of New Jersey to the Northern tip of Nova Scotia. We loved the history, people, culture, fishing villages and, of course, the food!
Total Mileage: 11,212
Total Mileage: 11,212
Total Miles Biked: 262
Days on the Road: 50
Days on the Road: 50
States Visited: 26
Provinces Visited: 5
Best Meal: Ned - halibut on PEI; Debi - crab cakes in Delaware
Best Bike Ride: Ned - Acadia; Debi - Nickerson Trail, Cape Cod
Best Campground: Cave Mountain Lakes National Forest, VA
Best Surprise Ned: - Jersey Shore -Wildwood cool retro hotels
Best Surprise Debi: - Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge
Best Factory Tour: Videri Chocolate, NC
Best Drive: Ile d'Orleans, Quebec
Best Waterfall: Stone Mountain, NC
Most Picturesque Place: Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia tied with Quebec City
Best Rescuer: Colton, VW Dealer Saco, ME
Best Tourist Attraction: Upper Canada Village
Best Live Music: Pickers at Blue Ridge Music Museum
Worst Meal: Debi Poutine in Charlottetown, PEI; Ned - Rappie Pie in Nova Scotia
Worst Bike Ride: Willard's Bay, Utah
Worst Campground: Cape Henlopen State Park, DE
Worst Tourist Attraction: Natural Bridge, VA
Biggest Disappointment: Shenandoah National Park, VA
Creepiest National Park: Hot Springs, AR
Worst Traffic: Montreal
Most Expensive Cornbeef Sandwich (includes ticket): Montreal
Most Confusing Bridge Tolls: Nova Scotia
Provinces Visited: 5
Best Meal: Ned - halibut on PEI; Debi - crab cakes in Delaware
Best Bike Ride: Ned - Acadia; Debi - Nickerson Trail, Cape Cod
Best Campground: Cave Mountain Lakes National Forest, VA
Best Surprise Ned: - Jersey Shore -Wildwood cool retro hotels
Best Surprise Debi: - Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge
Best Factory Tour: Videri Chocolate, NC
Best Drive: Ile d'Orleans, Quebec
Best Waterfall: Stone Mountain, NC
Most Picturesque Place: Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia tied with Quebec City
Best Rescuer: Colton, VW Dealer Saco, ME
Best Tourist Attraction: Upper Canada Village
Best Live Music: Pickers at Blue Ridge Music Museum
Worst Meal: Debi Poutine in Charlottetown, PEI; Ned - Rappie Pie in Nova Scotia
Worst Bike Ride: Willard's Bay, Utah
Worst Campground: Cape Henlopen State Park, DE
Worst Tourist Attraction: Natural Bridge, VA
Biggest Disappointment: Shenandoah National Park, VA
Creepiest National Park: Hot Springs, AR
Worst Traffic: Montreal
Most Expensive Cornbeef Sandwich (includes ticket): Montreal
Most Confusing Bridge Tolls: Nova Scotia