There was a hubbub of activity this morning as both camps reconnoitered and planned their strategy for tackling today's road trips. Sadly, we left our buddies, as we journeyed eastward, and the Cohen's headed north toward Monument Valley. How fun to share the first week of our road trip with such good friends. Ned and I hit the road pretty early, for us, at around 7. We had a long day ahead of us and a lot of distance to cover. Megan has some time off before she starts her new job at Google and has decided to join us in New Orleans. How fun!! In order to time it right, Ned and I will be speeding up the next couple of days instead of our usual slower pace. Thus, today's destination is Roswell, New Mexico a mere 525 miles away! Oh don't worry we still planned in lots of arbitrary stops for wacky roadside attractions and even some history. We back tracked thru Sedona and the mountains into Flagstaff and made a right turn. It sure felt good knowing I would be reading signs that said "East" for the next several weeks. It was a cool, clear morning and it felt great to have the windows down and the music blasting to The Eagles which only seemed fitting since our first stop was Winslow, Arizona. We had a hoot "standing on the corner, in Winslow, Arizona I was a mighty fine sight to see." There was even a flatbed Ford on the corner! Listening to The Eagles reminded me of my older brother and how I'd be holding on tight as I caught a ride on the back of his motorcycle when we were teenagers. Sending him a postcard from Winslow seemed the right thing to do. Next up was a visit to the Petrified Forest National Park. We didn't spend a lot of time in the park, but did get a chance to stop by the Visitor's Center, peruse some displays and catch the movie. We took several more detours visiting the forgotten towns along Route 66. It sure is fun to see the old motels, novelty shops, and kitschy tourist attraction such as the Wig Wam Motel and the El Rancho, where movie stars stayed. And by movie stars I'm talking W.C. Fields, John Wayne and The Marx Brothers. After a long drive we finally arrived in Roswell about 7ish. Since it was a Sunday night the town was really deserted, which made it feel a little creepy, especially with all the tacky aliens staring at us. We've settled in at Bottomless Lakes State Park a typical New Mexico campground, scrubby and desertlike, but with a gorgeous sunset over the lake. See today's pics - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad