We had so much fun hanging out with Craig and Julie, that we didn’t leave their place until 11:00. We took a lot of county back roads from their place to Duluth, and crossed the Mississippi River. It’s amusing to see it in its infant form (barely a creek), considering last summer we watched huge barges pushing cargo upstream in the South. I’m so enjoying the trees, greenery and hint of fall colors after the plains. When we reached Duluth we were rewarded with spectacular views of the city overlooking Lake Superior. We decided to take a lakefront walk and visit some of the attractions near the harbor. We viewed the Aerial Lift Bridge, famous for raising 385 ft. in under a minute; we toured the Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center and enjoyed the display of old boat engines and “hands-on” exhibits; walked thru the marketplace and a couple of shops; and had a late lunch at an outside cafĂ©. We are amazed at the great weather, clear blue skies and temperature holding at about 75 deg. Absolutely perfect! After spending awhile in Duluth, we crossed over St. Louis Bay into Wisconsin. (Pam thinking of you!) We decided to detour off of highway 2 and take a 100 mile detour to Wisconsin’s northern most village of Cornucopia. The tip of this area is also known for its Fruit and Flower Farms, much like Apple Hill in our area, but much less populated. We stopped at a couple of apple farms, and took a tour of a mom and pop operation making apple butter. While I was fascinated with the operation, Ned was a little frustrated with the labor-intensive process. By the time we left he had devised a more mechanized approach that included a pump and level regulator for the fill hopper, to more efficiently package the 300 jars for the day! (Today’s picture is outside one of the apple farms.) We then traveled into Bayfield, viewed some of the brownstone and Victorian homes, and caught the ferry to Madeline Island. It was stunningly beautiful and still quite warm. (We are not taking this for granted – knowing that any day the cold weather is a-coming!) In the winter, the school children cross from the island by windsleds to attend school in Bayfield until the “ice road” is passable by automobiles. We are staying at the Big Bay State Park on the other end of the island. It’s quite wooded, and there are lots of deer wandering throughout the campground. We are about 8 miles from the little town of LaPointe and hope to bike ride into town & back tomorrow before catching the ferry back to the “mainland.”