We did in fact have breakfast at the Village Café in Arroyo Grande with Polly and Eric at 6:00 am! It was a good thing we left early because the traffic and weather conditions for this holiday weekend were pretty intense. Traffic thru LA was really heavy and the rain was coming down in torrents. We took a round-about way to get to San Diego and it was a good choice. (Thanks for the tip, Nancy.) Other family members heading down from the Bay Area took much longer in stop and go traffic on Highway 5.
We finally met up with Josh in San Diego and headed out to the “much beloved” Windmill Farms, the Josh approved grocery store for the after graduation party. We stocked up on lots of beer, party trays, etc. in preparation for the big day. Coincidentally, we ran into Sara on the shopping spree. The picture is the three of us shopping at Windmill Farms. (When’s the last time any of you have had your picture taken in a grocery store?!)
As I write this, Ned and I are tucked in at the campground, nice and cozy in the Winniemobile. It is continuing to rain and we have the front seats turned around and a cup of tea brewing on the stove. We are feeling a bit smug as we are watching our fellow campers attempt to set up their tents in the rain, wearing their yellow slickers. (Don’t worry we’ve paid our dues, been there - done that). We have a nice site overlooking Lake Jennings. We’ll probably do a little reading out loud & maybe a pre-grad pedicure for the graduation festivities. Tomorrow’s the big day!