We got up really early this morning raring to go! It was great to hang out in Zion for 3 days and get a chance to relax, but I was ready to be on the move again. At 8:15 we turned on the engine, fired up the ol’ girl and…she wouldn’t shift out of park. Mmmm. After futzing with it for awhile Ned decided to call our hero, Rick, in Macon, GA. If you recall, he checked us out a couple of weeks ago and gave us the thumbs up. Well, he remembered us right away and even better yet knew exactly what the problem was. Apparently, VW has a recall on a “brake light safety switch” thingy and he told us how to trick the engine into gear. It was kinda funky, but it worked! So at about 8:45 we roared out of Zion and headed for Kolob Canyon, the north part of the park. We only stayed for a few minutes and decided to keep moving. Our next stop was Great Basin National Park, the least visited park in the U.S. We got there about 12:00, took a lap thru the visitors center and just weren’t feeling the love. (By this time we were pretty much done with desert landscape.) Our camping spot for the night was just up the road outside of Ely, NV. We drove in, looked at each other, and both said, “Let’s go home.” It just felt like the right thing to do. We knew it was going to be a L-O-N-G ride home, about 12 hours all together, but we didn’t relish the thought of waking up tomorrow and driving thru more desolate landscape on the “Loneliest Road in America”, Highway 50. So, to pass the time we decided to put together our stats and list of bests. Here goes:

And of course, the best traveling buddy EVER my hubby, Ned. You’d think that after 9,000 miles, and being together 24x7 for 35 days we would be sick of each other. Au contraire, I’m more in love than ever. He’s not only the funniest person I know, but the best ever at solving problems, remaining calm and always up for an adventute. Thank you Mom & Dad for keeping an eye on the place and thanks to our friends for keeping in touch. It’s good to be back home! (10:30 pm)