Location: Somewhere on Highway 97...north of Weed
Contrary to popular opinion, Thelma and Louise were not held hostage by the campground host. We've had several long days traveling or preparing for the trip home. When Lisa and I left Glacier we stopped here and there taking pictures. The scenery was gorgeous but the only animals we saw were two dead moose, legs sticking straight up in the air, on the side of the road and a couple of dead deer. We were thinking of bringing some home to Uncle Bud for jerky, but we decided that even he had his standards. (sorry Uncle Bud, couldn't resist). Lisa showed me around Couer d'Alene and I enjoyed seeing the park, bike trails and cute town. It's such a beautiful city, but somehow I think a just a tad too cold for me during the winter.
Once home we (okay Lisa and Cary) worked late into the night getting ready for the trip to California. Suitcases were packed, boxes sorted, trailer loaded and lights on the Winnie installed. Whew a heck of a lot of activity was whirling around. My cousin Cary is a paraplegic, but I swear nothing slows that guy down! In the winter he blows snow with the snowblower attached to the wheelchair and in the summer he mows the grass! I'm attaching a picture of Cary with the trailer attached to his wheelchair getting it hooked up to the Winniemobile. Pretty remarkable! Lisa and I were traveling pretty light, but dang rolling down to California is a whole new ballgame! Cary is stuffed in the back of Winnie surrounded by wheelchair, pillows, suitcases, coats, Cary's concentrator/oxygen machine, bi-pap machine, and lots of snacks! I never pulled a trailer before, but both Winnie and I have done just fine. The first day we rolled into Bend at about 7:30 pm, went out for dinner and hit the sack. This morning we rose at the crack of dawn and left around 7:30. I think everyone is anxious to get home. Cary hasn't seen his dad (Uncle Bud) for 8 months and I've been away from Ned for 9 days. Yes...it has seemed to me like 8 months! Ned, my dad, Uncle Bud, Cary & Lisa and I are all meeting up for dinner tonight. It's going to be quite the reunion!
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