Saturday, September 11, 2010

Working Day – Bay View State Park, Washington 9/9/10

We woke up this morning and didn’t spend too much time diddle-daddlying around. Josh had an 11:00 interview and we knew that we had at least an hour’s drive. (Have you ever prepared for a job interview at a campground? Boys have it so easy). While he was in his interview, I hung out at the library posting yesterday’s blog and researching things for Josh, and Ned was busy grocery shopping for our 3 day trip to the San Juan Islands. We all met up afterwards for lunch in the Winniemobile in the library parking lot. Afterwards we caravanned to a nearby self-storage unit where Josh stored most of his worldly possessions which consisted primarily of sports gear, i.e. bike, skis, boots, poles, and kitchen and bedding stuff. From there, we did another trip to REI in preparation for his two week mountaineering course that he will be taking. Finally, we were off to northern Washington to meet up with Denise at Bay View State Park. The day had become progressively sunnier and by the time we arrived at the campsite it was a beautiful clear day. Josh immediately started playing with Bella, her puppy Lab, while Denise and I decided to go berry picking. It was so much fun catching up with her (never mind we had just seen each other a few days ago!) while we scoured the campground for the juiciest berries we could find. Soon the whole gang, Bella included, headed for the beach. It was a blast playing fetch with Bella and watching her run unabashedly into the water and then rolling ecstatically in the sand. (Today’s pic is Denise playing with Bella at the beach). Back at the campsite the dinner was fish tacos and a yummy bakery dessert that Denise had picked up - topped off with our fresh berries. (We do eat well camping, don’t we?) We are all looking forward to taking the ferry tomorrow and hoping the weather holds.

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