The last two days have been the epitome of a summer holiday weekend. The campground where we stayed is relatively small – only 14 sites, and our campground is situated right on the lake. We’ve had a great time with Teri and Terry (the Terries) pretty much doing nothing. Ned and I have taken some great bike rides before everyone else is awake. This morning we tried to circumvent the lake, but the trail was way too narrow and technical. We did see a huge flying bullfrog that shot across the trail when we came up on him too quickly and a turtle just hanging out. We decided to attempt the hiking trail from the other side of the lake and had a bit more success. We ended up taking it to the top of a mountain, the end destination being the Gazebo Overlook. It was a very cool structure, built by the WPA. The problem was the forest had grown so much since it was built that it was actually situated more IN the dense woods then overlooking anything. For the past two days The Terries, Ned and I have hung out at the grassy public swimming area from about 10ish until 7:30 or so at night. Our routine has been pretty much swim, nap, eat, swim some more, etc. The lake is a perfect swimming lake and we have really enjoyed just soaking up the sun on our floaties. (Some of us got a little more sun than others). We’re also enjoying swimming with the turtles. It’s a riot to see them poke up their heads, look around and then quickly duck down again. Last night we decided to have a night out on the town and head into Fayetteville for some bbq. One can hardly hang out in Arkansas without having some bbq! We went to a place recommended by locals called Penguin Ed’s. There’s a red phone located at each booth. The way you place your order is by picking up the phone and “calling” it in. Kinda gimmicky, but fun. We had ribs, two sides and toasted bread. Yep – we’re definitely in the south! Actually, the most entertainment we’ve had is observing the local Ranger, whom we’ve all fondly named “By the Book Betty.” Geez, she’s a complete psycho on the rules. Yesterday, the 4 of us, while swimming, were yelled at by her for venturing a few feet beyond the swimming buoys. This morning, Ned and I were scolded for riding our bikes in the park area before the park opened. What?! Well today one of the buoys was “magically” moved far out into the lake. Teri and Ned decided to test the rules by swimming way out of the accepted boundaries to the rogue buoy, their excuse being they were still within the marked area. Well, within 20 minutes “By the Book Betty” was in a fishing boat, regulation orange life vest on, instructing two lackeys to move the buoy back where it needed to be. Hilarious. Most fun we’ve had in a long time.
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