Today was action packed! We rolled out of the campground at about 10:15 (which was like herding kittens!!) and headed north up highway 89. It was absolutely stunning driving through canyons and rolling hills. The fall colors are just beginning to turn and it was one of those magical days where the temperature was between 65-70 degrees, the aspen were quaking and the clouds rolled overhead. We arrived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at around 2:00, time for a lunch/dinner stopover at a steak house. After lunch we strolled around town and enjoyed the Cowboy Jubilee that was happening in the town square. Lots of arts, crafts and cowboy music to keep us entertained. (Vic we were thinking of you!). Even though the clouds began to look a little foreboding we decided to take the tram ride up to Rendezvous Mountain, which was over 10,000 feet. Although it was a little chilly, views of the Grand Tetons and valley were spectacular! (Of course the 40 mile an hour wind also got our attention. Note to self: next time don’t wear the girly sundress to top of mountain). We split up after the tram ride, Ned and I took the winniemobile through an 8 mile “shortcut” to the town of Moose. The rest of the family played it safe and took the highway. Both of us saw moose along the way! (Yes, we have photo documentation). After doing a quick drive thru Colter Bay Campground, the fam decided they didn’t want to “rough it” and headed for Moran RV Park. We opted for a night at the Grand Teton National Park. We hope to get in a bike ride tomorrow and meet up with everyone by mid-day. (No Scott, I am not purposely ditching the family). After looking at the 60 or so pictures of today, I decided to post the family picture taken this morning at Bear Lake State Park in front of the folk’s RV. How’s this for a classic family “what I did on my summer vacation” photo?!
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