It was COLD when we woke up this morning – about 37 deg. There was no rain in sight, but it was definitely the fall season. After the usual morning routine, we packed up pretty quickly and headed out at about 8:30. It was a beautiful drive out of the park, in and out of the fog and watching the steam rising off the various lakes with the fall foliage in the background. We drove about 2 ½ hours to Canada’s capitol of Ottawa not really knowing what to expect. Unintentionally we came across a bike path along the Ottawa river and because it was such a beautiful day, decided to take it into the centre of Ottawa, Parliament Hill. (The above pic is taken along the bike path). Considering the forecast, we were amazed at the great weather, a downright balmy mid-60’s with blue skies. Roundtrip the bike ride was about 20 miles. (I’ve posted on facebook the ride – check it out). We knew nothing about Ottawa and assumed it was a typical run of the mill city. Boy, were we wrong! It has a very international, cosmopolitan feel. We particularly enjoyed the different languages being spoken: French, English & German, and all the different nationalities including Iranian, Chinese, Haitian, and of course a couple of Americans milling around. The Parliament Hill area is incredible with its castle like setting above the Ottawa River. The copper mansard roofs and gothic stone architecture felt very much like we were in a European city. We came across a marketplace that was surreal. We parked our bikes and spent a couple of hours walking through the stands and shops. A sampling of what we saw: stands that were showcasing berries, flowers, maple syrup, cranberries, vegetables, etc. and all displayed beautifully. We loved the individual cheese, fish, bakery, chocolate and meat shops. We stopped at an outside cafĂ© and enjoyed a schwarma wrap followed by gelato. Yum! After we biked back to the winniemobile, we decided to venture into the province of Quebec and follow back roads to St. Jerome, our destination for the night. The minute we crossed over the river we knew we weren’t in Kansas anymore. Nothing is in English! As Ned was driving and I was navigating (a dangerous combination), I kept trying to look up words in our French-English dictionary to acclimate ourselves to the non-Anglo environment. After about the third try I was getting very frustrated in not finding ANY of the words. Ned “suggested” that perhaps I was looking at the scrabble dictionary. I checked the front cover and oops, it was our Spanish-English dictionary. Mon Dieu! No wonder I couldn’t find any of the words. After locating the correct dictionary, the searches were much more fruitful. We really enjoyed traveling next to the Ottawa River thru various Canadian-French towns that were quite charming. (I particularly enjoyed Montebello and Fassett!). When we finally arrived in St. Jerome, about an hour outside Montreal, we were a little concerned as our camping destination appeared to be next to a large shopping center, including a Walmart. Fortunately, it was down a country road a little bit and in a very charming “French” trailer park. It’s a warm evening, it still hasn’t rained, and we are drinking wine and beer near a lake, outside the “Salle Communautaire” (Community Room) listening to a dj. He’s playing classic American rock, with a spinning mirrored disco-ball, as French-Canadian teenagers mill around outside. What a day!
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