We left the campground this morning and headed for Corpus Christi. We got there about noonish, unloaded the bikes and rode along the Shoreline for a nice 14 mile ride. Corpus Christi was very different from what I expected. It was actually a lot nicer than I thought! The bike ride was fun – a lot like biking in Tahoe, except that it was hotter, more humid, no pine trees and did I mention hotter and more humid?! (About 92 degrees). Okay, so nothing like Tahoe except for the fancy homes – all circa 1955. We were total wet noodles and boy did I love the air conditioning when we returned to the Winniemobile. We had a great time driving along the coast and stopped at a very local roadside diner, called “The Diner.” The waitress, Rose, was very welcoming, the patrons all “locals” in their denim overalls and fishing caps. Ned and I feasted on gallons of ice tea (I now understand why this is the drink of the south), had the best blackened fish ever, with red beans & rice, spinach and corn bread. Our destination this evening was Galveston, but I decided, once again, that it would be more fun to get there by taking back roads. The majority of the way we took Road 521, “The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail.” It was absolutely gorgeous, meandering along the coast, and I was completely surprised by how much agriculture is in this area. Ned was pointing out all the crops, such as sorghum, cotton, soybeans, corn and rice. At one point, I couldn’t stand it anymore and had to find an internet connection – for two reasons: 1) I wanted to see if the Nedster really knew his crops and 2) What had the DNC decided regarding the Florida and Michigan votes. (Okay – I know I’m on vacation, but this political junkie needed her fix). When we went thru Port Lavaca, and spotted a Best Western (always free internet there), I pulled up wikipedia and you know what? – that Iowa Farm boy knows his crops! He got every one right. (Alas, there were no decisions yet on the political front). As far as the scenery goes, I must admit that I am very much taken with this area. I expected hideous refineries and oil rigs everywhere, but the industrial part was concentrated in pockets and the natural scenery was beautiful. The refineries are not like in the Bay Area located near residential area, but really far away from towns. Another interesting thing is that all the homes near the shoreline are built on stilts to protect them from hurricanes. It doesn’t matter if the home is a shack or a 5000 sq. ft. mansion, they are all at least 12 ft. off the ground. We finally pulled into Galveston State Park around 6 and the park was totally booked. We tried several incredibly disgusting local RV parks – some were full and others I refused to stay at – given I didn’t think I would live thru the night – and finally came up this little gem. Not only is it clean, has a pool & laundry facilities, free wi-fi (!), but also has a complimentary waffle breakfast tomorrow on account it is Sunday. Right now, there is a large screen set up in the grass field and the owners are showing the movie “Tranformers”. Very sweet. We are heading to the pool. Tomorrow is the day I’ve really been waiting for and what started this whole trip – Louisiana!
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