We had 4 wonderful days getting together with Ned's family, including his 95 year old Aunt, his cousins and his sisters. All in all there were about 20 of us. We took over several campsites, but basically made Aunt Kay's site headquarters. Dang, does this family know how to do cookouts American style! We ate for 4 straight days, and them some. It's a good thing we are heading home because after our 5 week journey and then the week reunion I'm lucky to fit into the van! We had such a great time seeing the usual sights, such as the General Sherman Tree, and telling stories around the campfire, but the highlight was when the kids went on a hike and saw a bear. Or as 9 yr. old Wyatt likes to say, "survived a bear attack"' haha. Troung also ran nightly Blackjack tournaments, both 9 yr. olds came out the big winners. For years Ned has been telling me stories about his cousins and it was so much fun getting to know them better and hearing about their childhood shenanigans. Aunt Kay, a spritely 95, still rules the roost and had everyone towing the line. She had a hand in every meal preparation and made sure there was always a festive tablecloth adorning our camping meals. To all my Nevada City friends, yes, the entire Russell clan is just as nice and thoughtful as Ned. When we finally departed, Ned and I decided to take the long way out of the park and visit King's Canyon. I especially liked the tunnel tree, which I remember seeing with my family as a little kid. We are finishing up the final leg of the journey with Ned's sisters in Arroyo Grande. We kicked off Ned's 60th birthday celebration in style. Tonight we had a steak dinner at the outrageous and very pink Madonna Inn dining room in San Luis Obispo. Looking forward to playing with the great nephews tomorrow and I swear never, ever eating again...Pics from the reunion - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Sequoia National Park